Have you ever wanted to print or save just a single thing off a website without getting the whole page? Well it’s actually very easy to do and you don’t need any additional software with your Mac.
Category: Mac
How do you get your news from the web?
What’s the best way to scan all the latest news from the web? One way is with your browser going to news sites one by one and reading. But all those sites have RSS feeds that can be delivered to you automatically like a digital paperboy.
Internet is so slow but I have full signal on WiFi
The other day someone asked me about their slow Internet speed. They were confused that the speed was so slow in loading videos and even just basic web browsing, but they saw a full signal with their WiFi.
They were surprised when I told them WiFi signal has little to do with speed. -
How to remove purchased apps from your iTunes account.
It’s very tempting to download free apps from the app store, and try them out. It’s also very easy to delete them from your phone when you decide you don’t like them. But soon your list of purchased apps can become annoyingly long, and why keep apps you’ll never use? You want them gone from your list, here’s how to do that.