Tag: web

  • Open web pages in Chrome from Safari

    Chrome is Google’s fantastic browser that’s been around on the Mac and PC for a while now and is finally available for iOS. The only trouble is most programs default to Safari to open links. Here is a very quick way to open them in Chrome and best of all you don’t have to jailbreak or add anymore software.


  • Print or save a selection of a website on a Mac

    Have you ever wanted to print or save just a single thing off a website without getting the whole page? Well it’s actually very easy to do and you don’t need any additional software with your Mac.


  • Why is my iCloud storage almost full?

    You get an email from Apple saying,

    Your iCloud storage is almost full

    To ensure your iCloud services continue without interruption, you can buy more storage or free up space by following the steps below:

    What should you do? Buy more space? Not necessarily…