Category: Android

  • Taking a photo on your iPhone is best quality when using the built in camera app, and way safer.

    These days camera phones are all being compared to determine which has the best quality. But you should know its not just about the hardware and megapixel size, a lot has to do with the software used to snap the picture. Take a look at the photos below, both taken on an iPhone 8 plus.

    This photo was taken with the Line app, a popular way to communicate in southeast Asia.

    And here is the same photo taken with the built in Camera app.

    Its clearly better, with warmer, realistic colors and detail. Why? Because Apple spends countless funds and time to create software to get the most out of the imaging sensor. These days the hardware and software work together, and companies like Apple and Google want their cameras to be the best, they know many people decide on phones sometimes by the camera alone. So they have the research to make quality software to take the best images. Your social media app spends their time and money researching how to make money with advertising and uses basic image capture, which gives basic quality.

    So if you want the best images, use the built in camera camera app regardless of Apple or Android, its designed to give you the best results. Ofcourse some quality apps designed for photography will also give unique and beautiful images with filters. But most social and communication apps may give you stickers and floating rainbows, they are not designed for quality.

    Another huge benefit is by reducing apps’ permissions to the camera, you are increasing your privacy on your device.

  • Use secure messaging apps like Edward Snowden

    Are you using chat apps like Twitter, Snapchat and Whatsapp? You know it’s the most insecure and invasive messaging system around and you are just a marketing tool right?

    If you want true privacy for text and voice calls the same way NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and other professionals do. Then you want to use Open Whisper Systems’ app Signal. 

    The app is encrypted end to end. This means real privacy from governments and even the app maker does not have the capability to detect any messages.

    Give it a try for Android and iPhone

  • Turn off notifications in Android

    Sometimes Android apps can display annoying notifications in the top part of the screen and theres no apparent way to disable them. If you have Android 4.1 or later it’s actually easy to do.

  • Hotel WiFi sharing with multiple devices

    We have been looking for the best way to handle all our devices in hotel rooms and its been difficult. Sometimes hotels will give you a password which is good for only one device, but we usually have a tablet, laptop and not to mention our mobile gear. Here’s how the Monkey makes sure he can connect all the gear he needs.
