Open web pages in Chrome from Safari

Chrome is Google’s fantastic browser that’s been around on the Mac and PC for a while now and is finally available for iOS. The only trouble is most programs default to Safari to open links. Here is a very quick way to open them in Chrome and best of all you don’t have to jailbreak or add anymore software.

After you install and start using Chrome on your iOS device, Safari is simply looking like an outdated way to view the web. Jon Abrams came up with a simple bookmark that will transfer you from Safari to Chrome with the page you were viewing still open.

1 Copy this text;


2 Bookmark this page or any page and name it Open in Chrome or whatever you like.


3 Now EDIT the bookmark you just made.

Click  and then  and choose the bookmark you made.


4 Delete the second line which is the URL and replace it with the code above.


Now anytime you are in Safari, just open this bookmark and the page you were browsing will open in Chrome.


[via Jon Abrams]