How do you get your news from the web?

What’s the best way to scan all the latest news from the web? One way is with your browser going to news sites one by one and reading. But all those sites have RSS feeds that can be delivered to you automatically like a digital paperboy.

The best way to read any kind of daily news sites or blogs is by RSS feeds. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it’s been around forever. Mobile devices just made them even more convenient than ever.

Your first step should be to get a Google account. This is the most convenient way of subscribing to feeds. If you already have an account it’s as simple as adding RSS feeds by clicking the +add symbol at

On a laptop you can also conveniently read feeds here too. But the point is having a central place to keep your subscriptions. This way if you get an RSS reader like Reeder for iOS, it will ask you for your Google login info. Then all your same subscribed feeds will show up on your mobile device too.

This makes reading and managing super simple as it keeps track of things you have read and not read yet synced across all your devices.

Now you just open your RSS reader and just start reading new articles.